Create a
Safe Space
for the World
Join us for our Holding Space and Somatic Breath Activation Certification Program
Have you been desiring to create an environment for your community to feel safe and supported as they receive what they need? Have you been personally impacted by doing your own inner work, and now you want to share your wisdom with the world? Have you felt the call to host circles, retreats, breathwork sessions and somatic practices to guide others into remembering their power and wisdom?
Love is the ultimate healer. You don’t need to know everything or be anything...but yourself. In this program we empower you to use your inner guidance system along with practical, safe knowledge to create loving, safe spaces to guide and activate your community into their highest self expression.
If you have heard the call, it's time to join our next round...
In the certification program you will learn how to:
Hold space for yourself
Create a safe, sacred space for your community
Facilitate and host retreats, circles and sacred gatherings
Develop willingness to surrender to the experience of life and embrace the unknown
Develop a deeper connection with your intuition and inner wisdom
Develop your own unique style to hold space and facilitate SBA
Facilitate the Somatic Breath Activation and other somatic practices
Receive access to an online community of SBA certified facilitators all over the world
This training will impact your life in profound and unpredictable ways. This isn't just another certification, this prepares you to change the world with your unique magic.
Are you ready to be a facilitator of transformation and healing?
Over four months, you will learn to hold a safe, sacred space for your community and to facilitate the Somatic Breath Activation technique. This program extends beyond learning the logistics and a breath technique, we truly support you in becoming an embodied space holder.
We believe to be a powerful facilitator you must wholly embody your self, which starts with doing your own inner work. So when you begin to hold space for others, you feel confident and simply pour the overflowing love from your heart. You feel confident holding space because you feel confident in who you are. Our program is broken down into three major themes: holding space for yourself, holding space for others and holding space for the Collective. These foundations are the groundwork for magic.
Our intention with this certification is for you to connect with your highest self and support your community in remembering how perfect, unique and sacred they are. After this program, you will feel confident in holding loving, sacred spaces and facilitating the Somatic Breath Activation to individuals, couples and groups.
What's Included
Four months of educational and experiential calls in an intimate container
One 45 minute 1:1 Call with Creator/Founder of SBA, Chelsea
Access to the BreathVault Membership for the duration of the program
Certification and access to an online community of SBA certified facilitators all over the world
"My experience was so much deeper than I could have imagined."
When does the certification program start?Next round of Certification begins March 3 and closes June 27. Attendance-required live calls are Saturday, April 12th 10am-4pm MST and Sunday May 4, 10am- 4pm MST.
Are calls recorded?Yes, all calls are recorded! You are expected to catch up on each call so you stay up-to-date with the material and the rest of the cohort. There are two calls that are mandatory to be live for certification and deeply support your ability to hold space! This is where we practice with each other and learn deeper about breathwork facilitation and holding space for others. Attendance-required live calls are Saturday, April 12th 10am-4pm MST and Sunday May 4, 10am- 4pm MST.
How many live calls and what times will they be held?There will be 14 calls, most of them 60-90 minute calls that have a replay available if you can not attend live, the timing will be determined and set at the beginning of the container. There are two calls that are mandatory to attend for certification since this is a group cohort experience. Saturday, April 12th 10am-4pm MST Sunday May 4, 10am- 4pm MST We set aside 6 hours for the calls but depending on the flow and individual shares, it can be 4 hours.
Is this right for me if I don't want to be a facilitator?This certification is not only for those that want to hold space, this supports your own deepening of holding space for yourself profoundly. This program also supports you holding space for your friends and family and embodying being a safe space for others. We have had many testimonials about this program healing all areas of life, not just teaching a technique.
Are there payment plans available?Yes! You can do four payments at $575. There is also a $14.38/payment website service fee. All of the payments must be completed by November 17.
What are the requirements for certification?There will be two calls mid-container that will be required to attend by everyone for certification. If you do not attend, you can not be certified. Call times are outlined above, if announced. This is a sacred group experience and it is important that you dedicate weekly time to make the call live or catch the recording as close to the call as possible, so you are in the same place as the entire group for our live calls. There will also be homework assignments given to complete throughout the container, such as practicing facilitation with other members in the group. This is to help you truly embody this work and become the most resourced and experienced facilitator possible. These homework assignments are not necessary to be "turned in" however their completion is highly encouraged because they are here to support your soul mission of deepening into this work. The last requirement for certification is the final submissions completed within the deadline given.
What is the benefit of being certified?Becoming certified as a breathwork facilitator allows you to hold space in many different areas in different capacities. From holding breathwork experiences at your local yoga studio to hosting your own retreats, a certification shows that you have done the work to create a safe space for future participants. You also know how to support participants through all different kinds of situations that can arise. CONFIDENCE. Most graduates of this program have shared their confidence in holding space after completing. We don't want to just teach you a technique, we could do that in one day- we want to support you in feeling so confident to bring this work to your community and know you are worthy of holding space. Many people experience imposter syndrome when beginning to hold space; we are proud that graduate from our program feel they have the foundational tools and the trust in their intuition to create profound spaces for love and healing. After you are certified, you join a group space reserved only for those certified in Somatic Breath Activation. This space continues to give education and community to deepen your ability as a space holder. You also have the option to submit your information to be featured as a SBA facilitator on this website, so others around the world can find you.
What might I experience emotionally during a SBA session?Tapping into emotions, energy moving and being released, breakthroughs, revelation, exploration, receiving ideas, creativity, clarity on situations, inner wisdom, divine guidance, spirit guide and ancestor visits, opening to the unknown... are a few of the reported emotions and experiences during a SBA session. Most often participants report receiving exactly what they needed (not what they expected!)
What might I experience physically in a SBA session?Below are some, not all of the physical symptoms you may experience when you are in a Somatic Breath Activation session. Physical sensations are normal, your job is to observe and allow. Temperature Fluctuations - it is normal for your body temperature to fluctuate from hot to cold as fear/stuck energy is being released from the body Body Stiffening/Cramping - The body can tighten and contract in places that commonly hold blockages - the mouth and lips, the hands and arms, the legs and feet, the hips. (tetany, below) Lightheadedness/Heavy in the body, like feeling stuck to the floor. Tingling - all over or in certain areas, depending on where energy is moving. Movement - body can shake, vibrate, body moving the energy. Body guides you to move around. Listen to your body! Releases - you may feel the need to release energy through crying, growling, grunting, primal noises, smiling, laughing, yelling, screaming. Emotions - the process is about releasing the emotions that are on the surface. With the SBA breathwork practice, we are getting under the fears and anxieties that are stuck so this may get uncomfortable. If things are feeling too intense, look at possible resistances and soften the breath if things truly start to feel too uncomfortable. You are the ultimate guide of every session and your life, ALWAYS!. Muscle tightness - energy can collect in the body and create a traffic jam. The area may become knotted, tight, or sore. This usually passes within a few minutes of returning to a relaxed breath. (different sensation than tetany)